Saturday, January 10, 2009

November 2008

This month is a special one with Tessa, Liam, Clark and Grandma Mann's birthdays. It is also a time when we can remember those Veterans who have sacrificed their lives, time, and family life to provide for the freedoms we enjoy. Those of living here continued the tradition of going to the Veteran's Day Parade. Mom and I went early to save everyone seats close to the action. Dad, Gage, Addie, Jessica and Paul came over and met us there. We called Uncle Hiram and Uncle Troy to thank them for what they do for us. Aunt Wendi also continued the Veteran's Day hat collection and bought a few American Flag Cowboy hats to keep the sun out of our faces. We really had a great time together.
About two weeks before Thanksgiving I was talking with Holli on the phone. She sounded a little homesick, and I needed a break from school, so I bought a plane ticket and went to the Cahoon's for Thanksgiving. Troy, Holli, and the boys came to Denver to pick me up at the airport and then we went and spent a couple of hours with Jeff, Jessica, and the kids. They were going to be gone for Thanksgiving so I wanted to be sure I saw them. I took the kids the Walle video and hoped they didn't have it yet.

Troy and Holli wanted me to experience the cold winds of Cheyenne and when one came up I told them they were nuts! I don't know why they wanted me to be so cold! Holli fixed a delicious Thanksgiving dinner and ended up with a ton of leftovers. Too bad neither she nor I like leftovers. Poor Troy, he'll end up with Turkey sandwiches for a year! We were able to squeeze in some fun trips to Loveland, a walk through the big mall of Cheyenne, (you all need to experience the huge mall there!), a few dinners and lunches out, and buying a Christmas tree. This will be a memory I will have for a very long time. Saturday night we went to the Cheyenne Christmas Lights Parade. It was extremely cold, but we did have a good time. I loved spending time with the boys watching the parade, fighting with swords, and freezing under the blankets. After the parade we drove to Denver to stay at a hotel so that Troy could take me to the airport at 4:30. The time went by quickly, and before I new it I was headed back home. I was a little sad at leaving the Cahoon's but I was glad to get back to the warmth of the Arizona SUN!

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