Saturday, January 10, 2009

August - October 2008

Now you could say that the traveling came to a quick halt during these months. I was back at school, and helping with the Varsity Volleyball team at Camelback. There wasn't a whole lot of time for travel. During the month of August Brent, Frank, Elizabeth and Mom all had birthdays. Bethany and the boys moved in to mom and dad's while Brent was away with his training. Mom and I did manage to squeeze in a few ASU Fall Ball games at the softball field. Once again these games helped me to relax and not think about things. I did enjoy texting with Hannah quite often! She let me know when it was too cold, and I, of course, let her know that here in Arizona the weather was just great. You could wear shorts and tan all through October.

September came was very busy with Volleyball games three nights a week, and quite a few birthdays. Audrey, Mark, Mary Ann, Davin, Shelby, Annabell, Paul's Jessica, and Mark's Jessica. We also threw in Mom and Dad's 44th anniversary. I don't have trouble keeping track of how long they have been married since that will also be my next birthday. Mom was gone visiting all of you during this time and Dad was in Colorado and Utah. Bethany and I braved the big storm that had winds of over 100 mph. I lost some tree limbs and the roof off of the food storage shed. It was a little scary, but we survived it all.

October also brought Hiram home from Iraq, and we are all very grateful for his safe return. I know that Mary Ann and the kids were so excited for this day because of the count down they had going on for the last 7 months. We also enjoyed many birthdays this month. Cameron, Ella, Bryan, Paul, Madie, Jayden, Jeff's Jessica, Zach, and Gemma. What a busy time this was. I think we try to squeeze a ton of birthdays in these 3 months. I survived the first quarter of chaos at the school and really enjoyed my two week break before the next quarter started. Can't wait for the next break to come!

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